Business Motivation: When Things Don't Go Well...
"I will never put myself in a position like that again."
Looking back on my career, I am actually very, very glad that my previous company did NOT give me the salary raise or work hours I was negotiating for because:
- It caused me to start my company which has been way more rewarding.
- It’s allowed me to empathize so much more with people stuck in similar situations.
- When I work with people who feel undervalued and dissatisfied with their current work situation, I’m that much more motivated to help them reach their goals because I’ve experienced what they’re going through and know how frustrating it can be.
- It’s given me so much motivation. Over the past year and a half there have been a lot of challenges for me, but one thing that has always kept me motivated and will continue to do so is that I will never put myself in a position like that again where I feel undervalued and stuck.
IF they had given me the hours/salary I was asking for, I probably would’ve stayed there and I might not be where I am today.
I know I’m not the only person who’s experienced this because I’ve worked with many people who were frustrated, overworked, and unsatisfied with their current positions and that is what motivated them to change their situations and go after what they really wanted.
Sometimes life isn’t fair and we find ourselves in situations where we feel unappreciated and taken advantage of. I think what’s more important than ‘how you got there’ is ‘what you do about it’. You can complain, just endure it, and continue to stay where you are, or you can use that negative experience as motivation to get what you really want.
So, if you know that you deserve more but just aren’t sure what you should do, click Free Resources tab above to get the free Clear Confident English Speaking Guide. This guide explains the exact strategies you should follow to get the speaking results you want fast.
You deserve to have a life/career where you feel valued.
- Grant
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